Raise Taxes On…

Hillary Clinton makes a bold statement on taxes and the Middle Class.  She wants to raise them.  You might chalk it up to a fraudian slip, but I think she actually meant it.  After all, democrats haven’t been the champions of the middle class lately. Watch it for your self: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ua13_gYQn0
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Al Sharpton

This week Al Sharpton, liberal loud-mouth, made another comment which has people scratching their heads in wonder. “Most important, he said ‘I’m going to fight to bring fairness to the tax code. The rich must pay more, and we must give tax credits to middle class and poor people.” What makes it ironic is that […]
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State of the Union Address

Last night the President spoke for almost 60 minutes on the ‘State of the Union’ in the annual speech all President’s give.  But did it really mean anything? The truth of the matter, no! All the State of the Union address does is give air time to the President for a long-winded speech upon which […]
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Burger King Buys Tim Hortons

The new big news today is the announcement of Burger King buying Canadian franchise Tim Hortons for 11.5 billion dollars.  Normally such news would not be talked about much beyond the normal scope of business, and for most Americans, nothing much changed inside the USA. However, there has recently been a change in the political […]
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