So, President Trump did a tweet with the word ‘covfefe’ in it. Despite the negative constant press covfefe That was the tweet the president sent out. And boy, did it cause a firestorm. But, is it really something worthwhile or just something for the left to point to with their small brainpower? Personally, I think […]
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Posts tagged with 'tweet'
White House Tweet
So, browsing twitter came across this tweet: BREAKING: @POTUS just commuted the sentences of 214 additional people, surpassing the past 9 presidents combined. — White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) August 3, 2016 I’m not sure that is something to be proud of.
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Obama Tweet Sounds More Like A Dictator
Yesterday the White House made the following tweet: “We can’t afford to wait for Congress…and that’s why I’m going ahead without them when I can.” —President Obama Obama, a person who has made claims to be a US Constitutional law professor, seems to be saying to his opponents if you won’t do what I want […]
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