So the first confirmed case of Ebola has shown up here in the USA. The question now becomes how does the medical and government communities react to prevent it from spreading to more people. With such a virus spreading though places in Africa, it would be assumed that travel restrictions might be in place. Hospitals […]
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Posts tagged with 'virus'
Maddness in Liberia
If one listened to the news all you would hear is the normal news. Front and foremost is the rioting going on in Ferguson over an officer shooting Michael Brown. Everyone is angry over this, but a potentially deadly incident occurred which is getting no attention at all. A continent away there is something extraordinarily stupid […]
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Sure we’ve all heard in the news of the deadly Ebola virus spreading through West Africa. But what, if anything, do most of us know about this deadly virus? According to Wikipedia Ebola is described like this: Symptoms typically start two days to three weeks after contracting the virus, with a fever, sore throat, muscle […]
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